WIKiPhilo is an independent institute focused on nurturing curiosity and self-discovery in children and young adults. We needed flyers advertising our events in public spaces, i.e., parks, over the summer 2020, since, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were not able to continue the dialogue in the classrooms. Bauhaus design... [Read More]


It happened at a poetry slam evening in a venue full of mostly young people who were ready to jump on the stage and declaim verses, words close to their hearts. More seasoned slamming poets were also present and, I assume, at least a few were willing to go up... [Read More]

Customer Support

I had an hour to spare until my next appointment and decided to spend it in the cafe of a museum nearby, a place which is usually very little frequented, at least during those afternoon hours when it’s either too late or too early to do anything. I had enough... [Read More]

Darth Vader

The kid is riding another Star Wars wave these days. They come and go, these waves, feeding on the colorful books he collected, detailing the multitude of future, non-existent worlds. He tells me about what kind of beings or robots are better suited for what kind of jobs, how their... [Read More]

Sound Field

I left the recorder on for almost an hour last night while at the KHM, at the Rothko exhibition. With the exception of an alarm (that lasted for a few seconds after it went off when somebody got too close to a canvas) and the sound of very faint, almost... [Read More]