Too Loud a Solitude & Minotaurs

Too Loud a Solitude – done. Hrabal – on my side. It’s a small book – 98 pages. It reads well and it flickers now and then with wonderful stuff. “Because thoughts come from outside and travel with us like the noodle soup we take to work”. (2) Citing from... [Read More]
Tags: art culture books

Pessoa / Alvaro de Campos

I spent several hours translating from Carpenter’s essay on the strength of Greenberg’s aesthetics and I find it weak. Very weak. And, therefore, difficult to translate. Now, I started with a text from Greenberg himself and it goes as smooth as possible. I am wondering if it is already translated... [Read More]

The Ballad of the Sad Café

After Borges I read a bit from Anna Sam’s hyped Leiden einer Kassiererin. Read about 50 pages in an hour or so. Quite a change of direction, ain’t it? I interrupted it and started The Ballad of the Sad Café, by Carson McCullers. I bought this book at a flea... [Read More]
Tags: culture books