
R started school this year. Just a few weeks went by but he’s already devouring (mostly unconsciously) whatever is being thrown at him. He scribbles away in his notebooks and is bragging when he’s happy with the results. [Read More]

Three men in the mud

We were supposed to be four in a boat but one got sick. We were supposed to be by the sea spending a whole weekend there and getting our motor boat driving licences, because… why not? - we are the cool daddies aren’t we? I mean really, our kids would’ve... [Read More]


From Alain Weil - The Poster : David Thorpe. #Cinzano 1974 #artbook A post shared by Gabi Fugabi (@fugabi) on Sep 12, 2017 at 10:47pm PDT [Read More]

Interviu Maria Răduţu

Maria Răduţu a avut darul, încă din vremea copilăriei, de a umple sală după sală cu oameni dornici să o asculte cîntînd la pian. Un adevărat copil minune, a reuşit să concerteze în toată lumea, de la Bucureşti la New York şi de la Madrid la Bangkok, atît solo cît... [Read More]